Master Outline Scrivener Template
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Watch a video introduction to the Scrivener Template right here:
This is a Scrivener Template for fiction writers. You can use this template over and over again, for as many stories you want.
In this document, you'll find:
- Character Archetype templates
- Templates to establish your characters' backstories
- Templates to establish their roles in the story
- Templates to develop their voices
- A template for the Three Act Structure
- A template for the Seven Point Story Structure
- A template for The Hero's Journey structure
- A scene planner template to use for each scene in your story
- A World Building template
- A Setting template to use for each setting in your story
- And more.
Note: This is a bundle of all the content from the Character Focused Scrivener Template, the Story Structure Scrivener Template, and the World Building and Setting Scrivener Template.
Note: This template is also available in The Ultimate Writer's Bundle:
This template requires that you have at least Scrivener 2 installed on your computer. If you have Scrivener 3, you'll get a notification to update the file. All you have to do is click on a button to update and then you're all set.
The zip file you'll get after your purchase also includes a template that works on Scrivener 3 for Windows.
This template is available in a Microsoft Word format as well:
Due to the instant access nature of this digital download, I will not be able to process any refunds for any reason. Make sure you understand fully: I have a strict No Refunds policy when you purchase.
Also, it can’t be exchanged for other products.