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How to Organize Your Writing Projects to Beat the Overwhelming Chaos and Write Your Stories

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How to Organize Your Writing Projects to Beat the Overwhelming Chaos and Write Your Stories

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Beat the overwhelming chaos of a disorganized writing project and get back to writing your story

The How to Organize Your Writing Projects workbook helps writers organize their writing projects to beat the overwhelming chaos of having ideas and research everywhere but not being able to find them.

This workbook will not only help writers get organized but also help them feel less distracted so that they can focus more on what matters–which is writing the actual story.

The organization strategies in this workbook work for any kind of writing project–whether you’re writing a short story, a novel series, or anything in between.

You can also use the strategies and concepts in this workbook to organize all your random ideas and fragments even if they don’t have a specific story or project to end up in, yet.

Sections Include:

Why Organize Your Project?

This section goes through a quick overview of why it’s a good idea to organize your writing project.

Physical vs Digital Notes

If you’re anything like me, you probably have a bunch of physical notebooks with story ideas, character names, scene fragments, notes on magic systems, and so much more. There’s just something magical about writing by hand.

But, I have to be honest, it’s really hard to keep track of all that content when it’s not easily found or searchable. This is why I–in this section–go through a quick overview of how you can continue to write by hand and then transfer what you want to save and use into a digital format.

Pick One System and Stick to It

This section is a guideline for the whole process of getting your project organized.

Creating an Organization System that Works for You

Since we are all very individual–and since different things work and don’t work for us–it’s important to create a system that works for you.

This is where we dive deeper into:

  • How to use folders
  • How to title your documents
  • How to format your documents
  • And more

These all include exercises and questions that will help you develop your own specific organization system as well as actually put the system into practice.


At the end of the workbook, you’ll find a checklist with all the points that will help you organize your project so that you can easily keep track of your progress.

This workbook is also available in The Aspiring Writer's Bundle.

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Also, it can’t be exchanged for other products.

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